Cosmic - it's one Giant Leap for Boy-Kind


This amazing book is about a boy called Liam and his best friend who use his height to their advantage to do unimaginable things like pretend he was a school teacher, enter a showroom of cars and about to drive off in one of them, and even get into space!

My favourite part of this book was when the boy pretended to be his best friend's father and he tells her 'We're going East' when she asked where they were going for their next adventure. After 14 hours on a private jet, the pilot exclaims, 'You have arrived in China!' She freaks out after realising how far away from home she really was. I found that this was very amusing as the boy tricked her into coming with him.

I would recommend this book to those who want an action-packed adventure that is also hilarious!

This book is available at £3.50.

Please make payments by sponsoring my charity and drop me a note so I can reserve your book.



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